15+ years digital experiences
We bring expertise and a commitment to excellence, delivering solutions that seamlessly blend innovation with user-centric design.
A dedicated team of 90+ IT experts
Our passionate team comprises skilled developers, designers, and digital specialists, each contributing unique perspectives and ideas.
100% project success rate
We deliver exceptional results. Every project is executed with precision, closely aligning with your business goals to drive tangible success.
Our trusted partners ✨

Empower your growth with our IT outsourcing services

Mobile app development services from LogiNet

IT staff augmentation services

outstaff model
Expand your existing team with pre-vetted and experienced IT specialists. Fill skill gaps and complement your in-house team with our backend and frontend developers, native and cross-platform mobile developers, business analysts and consultants, QA specialists, UX/UI designers, project managers, or DevOps experts.

Dedicated software development team

Dedicated team model
Manage a dedicated development team of our top-skilled IT professionals who will help you achieve your business goals and deliver your IT project. You will have more control over the development processes (features, functionality, prioritisation) and work with professionals with extensive tech and domain expertise.

Full-cycle software development

project-Based model
Delegate the software development to us, from planning to release. Our team takes full responsibility for the quality and performance of your project. We deliver the final product according to the specification and timeline we’ve agreed upon, ensuring clear deadlines and outcomes.

IT outsourcing services based on location

Onshore / nearshore / offshore
Cut costs and integrate industry expertise into your in–house team with our IT professionals. Whether you choose to incorporate our IT experts into your business environment or work with them remotely, we ensure ultimate proficiency, clear and transparent communication.
"We are extremely satisfied with their services."
Owner, Halker kft.
E-COMMERCE Dev & Design for Food Wholesaler
"They were great with customer care and relationships, innovative, and solution-oriented."
Department Manager, GP-LK Gasztro Prémium Kft.
Mobile App & E-Commerce Site Dev for HoReCa Supplier
“They met deadlines throughout the project and responded quickly to our questions.”
Executive, Assa Abloy Opening Solution Hungary Kft
Mobile App Design, Dev & Testing for Locking Products Firm
"They provided great insights during the project."
Founder, xLab Digital Healtcare
Mobile App, WEB Dev & UX/UI Design for Healthcare Company
"The team was highly efficient and responsive."
CEO, B2B Import & Export Company
Web Dev & Design for B2B Import & Export Company
"They have a strong and, when necessary, strict project management."
Head of Product and Client Services
Custom Software Dev for Business Consulting Company
"They are flexible and so easy to work with."
Head of Marketing, Mountex
E-Commerce Development for Outdoor Sports Equipment Retailer
"We were satisfied with their work."
Head of Marketing, Work Apparel Wholesale Company
E-Commerce Dev for Work Apparel Wholesale Company
"Their opennes and problem-solving skills were impressive."
Operations Manager, Food Wholesaler
E-Commerce Dev & Design for Food Wholesaler
"They understood our needs very well."
Department Head, Swing Dance Ltd.
Back-Office System Design & Dev for Event-Organizing Co
"I'm completely satisfied with their service."
CEO, E-Commerce Company
UI/UX Design for E-Commerce Company
"Their project management was careful."
Managing Director, eKönyv Magyarország
Web Dev & Data Migration for E-Books & Audiobooks Retailer
"They were responsive and open to comply with our requests."
HR Manager, Bátor Tábor Foundation
Custom Software Development for Nonprofit
"We are extremely satisfied with their services."
Owner, Halker kft.
E-COMMERCE Dev & Design for Food Wholesaler
"They were great with customer care and relationships, innovative, and solution-oriented."
Department Manager, GP-LK Gasztro Prémium Kft.
Mobile App & E-Commerce Site Dev for HoReCa Supplier
“They met deadlines throughout the project and responded quickly to our questions.”
Executive, Assa Abloy Opening Solution Hungary Kft
Mobile App Design, Dev & Testing for Locking Products Firm
"They provided great insights during the project."
Founder, xLab Digital Healtcare
Mobile App, WEB Dev & UX/UI Design for Healthcare Company
"The team was highly efficient and responsive."
CEO, B2B Import & Export Company
Web Dev & Design for B2B Import & Export Company

We lead our partners to success

We build class leading web and mobile apps, ecommerce sites and enterprise multisites. Our team is skilled at creating bespoke and custom solutions that deliver.


The IT experts working on your project leverage cutting-edge, scalable technologies to build mobile and web applications exactly as you envision.
#Backend development: Java, PHP, NodeJS, Python, Ruby
#Backend development: Java, PHP, NodeJS, Python, Ruby


#Frontend development: VueJS, ReactJS, Svelte, VanillaJS
#Frontend development: VueJS, ReactJS, Svelte, VanillaJS


#Mobile app development: Kotlin, Swift, Flutter, Ionic
#Mobile app development: Kotlin, Swift, Flutter, Ionic

Fuel growth with expert talent

Reserve your IT professionals today!

Free consultation

Get in touch, and we will schedule a call to discuss your requirements. During this process, we will learn about your developer needs and discuss how our IT outsourcing services (staff augmentation, a dedicated development team, or full-cycle software development) can help you.

Customised solution and indicative offer

Based on your requirements and budget, we will propose the pre-vetted IT professionals who will help you achieve your business goals.

The paperwork

Begin your journey with us through a streamlined process. Our approach is transparent and tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a smooth start to your project.

Your IT professionals - on demand

You focus on your business, while we focus on the hiring.

Flexible IT outsourcing services

Scale your IT staff or development team as you grow. We offer flexible IT outsourcing solutions that allow you to quickly add resources to your team.

Why work with us?

Wide and up-to-date tech expertise
Our developers cover all the major languages: from PHP, NodeJS, and Python on the backend to VueJS, ReactJS, Svelte, VanillaJS, and Swift, Kotlin, Flutter on the front end. We have you covered.
Flexible Scalability
Enjoy the flexibility to scale your team up or down based on your demands, optimising resource allocation and cost-effectiveness.
Acces to top talent
Whether you choose to augment your team with a couple of additional professionals, hire a dedicated team, or fully outsource your project to us, your project will be in reliable, expert hands.
Complete control
Eliminate the hassle and stress of hiring and firing. No recruiting or HR assistance is required. You focus on what you do best—growing your business.

Meet your partner

Our team's strength comes from our diverse backgrounds and deep expertise in design, development, and strategic growth. Each team member has an impressive track record in their field. We are united in our commitment to excellence.
Ready for Growth?

Let's Talk About

Your Project

Drop us a message about your digital product development project and we will get back to you within 2 days.
We'd love to hear the details about your ideas and goals, so that our experts can guide you from the first meeting.
John Radford
Client Services Director UK

Meet us in our London Office over a coffee

London Office
20 Farringdon St, London EC4A 4AB, United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions

Why outsource software development?
Access to global talent: Outsourcing provides access to a vast pool of highly skilled developers worldwide, ensuring you get the best project talent.
Cost-efficiency: Outsourcing can often be more cost-effective, reducing overhead expenses related to hiring and maintaining an in-house team.
Focus on core competencies: By outsourcing software development, your in-house team can focus more on strategic tasks and core business operations.
Scalability: Outsourcing allows businesses to quickly scale their operations up or down based on project requirements.
Exposure to the latest technologies: Outsourced software development companies often have broader exposure to the latest technologies and frameworks, ensuring your project stays on the cutting edge. For instance, at Loginet - we cover over 5 different backend languages, including Go, Python, Node.js, and PHP.
What are the possible risks of IT outsourcing?
Communication barriers: Misunderstandings due to language barriers or time zone differences can lead to delays or misinterpretations.
Quality concerns: Ensure outsourcing vendors meet expected quality standards by evaluating their previous work and establishing clear quality metrics.
Data security: Evaluate outsourcing providers' data security protocols to mitigate risks associated with sensitive data.
Dependence on the vendor: Maintain control over critical project components to avoid excessive reliance on external providers.
Hidden costs: Transparently outline all costs involved in outsourcing projects to avoid unexpected expenses.
Cultural differences: Invest time in understanding vendors' work cultures to mitigate misunderstandings.
How much does it cost to outsource software development?
Several factors can impact the overall cost. However, the decision on your partner should never be just based on the cost.
Scope of the project: The complexity and size of the project significantly influence costs. A simple app will cost less than a complex software system requiring sophisticated technologies and diverse expertise.
Rate of the software developers: Outsourcing rates vary based on regions. For instance, developers in North America typically charge higher rates than those in Eastern Europe or Asia.
Experience level of the team: More experienced developers and teams may charge higher rates but often deliver faster turnaround times and fewer errors.
Type of engagement model: Project-based, dedicated development team, or time & material models each have unique pricing structures and implications for project costs. I will write about these in another article.
Project duration: Longer projects generally cost more, but longer engagements may lead to reduced per-hour or per-day rates due to economies of scale.
Maintenance and support: Post-development services like system updates, bug fixes, and user support add to the total cost of outsourcing.
Additional costs: These may include project management fees, software or hardware costs not covered in developers' rates, and expenses related to compliance with regulations or certifications.
Which country is best for software engineers?
Which country comes out on top for software engineering salaries? The United States is highest on the list, with Israel and several European countries trailing behind. The top three in our comparison are: the United States, Switzerland, and Israel.
What are the main types and models of IT outsourcing?
Outsourcing models can be categorized into two main types:
Location-Based: This focuses on the geographical distance between your team and the outsourced team. Relationship-Based: This determines the nature of your collaboration and working relationship with the outsourced team.
There are 3 different location-based outsourcing models:
1. Onshore: This involves hiring professionals based in your city or nearby. It’s a cost-effective option that allows you to maintain close oversight. 2. Nearshore: This type of outsourcing involves partnering with professionals in neighboring countries within the same time zone. While this option facilitates smoother communication, it may not always be the most cost-efficient. 3. Offshore: This refers to outsourcing to professionals in a different country, offering the greatest potential for cost savings.
There are 3 popular relationship-based outsourcing models:
1. Staff augmentation: A company temporarily expands its in-house team by bringing in outsourced IT specialists, typically adding several experts at once. 2. Dedicated team model: The client hires an external development team to handle a specific project. This team operates independently of the client's in-house staff, usually reporting directly to the client's PM, CTO, or to the client themselves. 3. Project-based model (Full-cycle software development): The client entrusts the entire software development process, from planning to launch, to an outsourcing company.
How to choose a reliable IT outsourcing services provider?
When searching for a vendor, start by reviewing ratings and feedback on platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, and others. Next, conduct thorough research to explore the vendor's past projects, the industries they specialize in, and their technical expertise.
Is LogiNet an IT outsourcing company?
As an IT outsourcing company, we support in-house teams and help build projects with dedicated teams. You can also rely on us to fully outsource your project.
What is our team size and what are our competencies?
We have 90+ experienced IT specialists in the following fields: backend & frontend development, native iOS & Android, cross-platform Flutter development, UX-UI Design, QA, DevOps, project management.

Sharing our expertise of IT outsourcing

How to successfully outsource a software development project
19 March 2024
We break down some of the more common things to look for and give an overview of how and why you should consider software development outsourcing
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Software development methodologies tailored to our customers
21 February 2024
Explore LogiNet's expertise in software development methodologies, blending agile, waterfall, and hybrid approaches to deliver customized, effective solutions for every project.
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Mobile app development: native, hybrid or cross-platform?
02 July 2024
Learn the advantages and disadvantages of each mobile technology (native, hybrid, cross-platform) to help you decide which one is best for you.
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MVP and web development: fast go-to-market in 12 weeks
17 January 2024
Expert MVP and web development services to launch your product in 12 weeks. Fast, efficient solutions for startups and enterprises, ensuring quick market entry.
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Practical tips to implement AI solutions in your operations
14 August 2024
Unlock the potential of AI and learn how you can improve your business processes. We've put together a list of criteria to help you decide when to use generative AI.
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Mobile app development - your questions answered
17 May 2024
Our extensive Q&A guide will help you navigate the most common questions and problems people face when building a mobile app. Download our guide for free.
Proven UX design strategies to boost ecommerce conversions
8 August 2024
Boost your ecommerce platform's conversion rate with effective UX design methods. Discover user-centric strategies to enhance the user experience and drive higher sales.
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Performance testing with Apache JMeter
22 July 2024
Early performance testing ensures system reliability. JMeter, an open-source tool, optimizes application performance, simulating user traffic and supporting various protocols.
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