Web backend development
Harness the power of backend technologies tailored to your business needs
The Importance of Backend Development
Discover the Backbone of Web and Mobile Applications That Drive Performance and Scalability
Backend development is crucial in creating high-performance web and mobile applications by executing essential business logic and delivering unique user experiences. Backend developers use various technologies like PHP, Java, and NodeJS to proficiently manage data storage, retrieval, and database connections.
Effective mastery of backend development involves an understanding of data exchanges, transactions, and integrations, where APIs play a vital role in connecting to other systems. Backend systems can vary from simple proxy layers to robust, full-fledged background frameworks that offer unmatched scalability and flexibility.
Backend development is the cornerstone of application performance, load-bearing capacity, and system security. Selecting the appropriate technologies and frameworks tailored to accomplish specific tasks is critical to unlock the full potential of web backend development and ensure seamless and secure user experiences.
Recently, PHP has made a comeback as a programming language. Modern frameworks like Laravel and Symfony have contributed to its revived adoption, providing developers with the ability to build scalable and high-performance web applications.
This upsurge can be attributed to PHP's constantly evolving ecosystem, enhanced security, improved performance, and better developer experience. Out of all the available PHP frameworks, Laravel and Symfony are the most prominent, offering robust features and versatile toolsets that have become essential to modern web development.
Java has been the preferred choice for enterprise-level software development due to its platform independence, stability, and mature ecosystem, which support creating scalable and secure applications. Java's rich set of libraries and tools guarantee that Java-based applications can fulfill the demanding requirements of contemporary enterprises.
One of the most significant Java technologies that stands out is the Spring framework, which provides a comprehensive platform for building enterprise-grade applications with flexibility, modularity, and a wide range of integrations.
Kotlin is increasingly popular in backend development because of its compatibility with Java. This enables developers to use Java frameworks and libraries easily.
Kotlin has modern features, enhanced safety, and concise syntax, making it easier for developers to create efficient and maintainable code. They can take advantage of the robust Java ecosystem.
Node.js has made JavaScript a popular choice for backend programming because it allows developers to create scalable and high-performance applications using a single language for both the front and back ends.
The asynchronous, event-driven nature of Node.js promotes efficient use of resources. When combined with the abundant ecosystem of JavaScript libraries and tools, it empowers developers to build flexible and responsive server-side solutions.
Express, Fastify, Koa, and NestJS are essential frameworks in the Node.js ecosystem. They provide developers with a reliable foundation for building efficient and maintainable web applications, APIs, and microservices, while also streamlining development processes and boosting productivity.
Python, Ruby, Go & .NET
Although our primary expertise is in PHP, Java, Node.js, and Kotlin, we also have competencies in other notable backend technologies like Python, Ruby on Rails, Go, and .NET.
Our adept team is capable of helping you use these technologies to develop dependable and resilient applications, ensuring the success of your project across a wide range of backend platforms.

Underlying technologies:

databases, search, and integration
Databases & Search
SQL databases remain a critical part of modern software development, providing robust and structured data storage solutions that support a wide range of applications, from simple Web sites to complex enterprise systems. By utilizing the power of SQL (Structured Query Language), these databases achieve efficient querying and data manipulation, preserving data integrity and consistency. Prominent instances of SQL databases comprise open-source options, such as PostgreSQL and MySQL, along with proprietary solutions, like Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database.
noSQL databases: MongoDB, Redis
NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, provide a more flexible and scalable alternative to traditional SQL databases, making them well-suited for handling large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data. They typically use schema-less data models, allowing developers to store and manage data in formats such as key-value, document, column family, or graph. Popular NoSQL databases include MongoDB, Couchbase, Redis, and Amazon DynamoDB, each of which addresses different use cases and performance requirements within the non-relational data storage space.
ElasticSearch, ELK stack
Elasticsearch, a core component of the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), is a powerful distributed search and analytics engine that excels at indexing and querying large volumes of data in near real-time. While databases are designed to store and retrieve structured data, Elasticsearch focuses on enabling high-speed search and analysis of large, complex data sets, making it an ideal choice for applications such as log and event data analysis, text search, or monitoring and alerting. By incorporating the ELK stack into your software project, you can leverage its lightning-fast search capabilities to quickly find and analyze critical information, enabling your team to make data-driven decisions and optimize the application while ensuring a seamless user experience, even when dealing with large, complex data sets.
REST (Representational State Transfer) is widely considered the standard for API development. It provides principles and constraints that allow developers to create scalable, high-performance, and maintainable web services. RESTful APIs prioritize simplicity, statelessness, and standardized communication. They enable seamless integration between different systems and promote a connected ecosystem that supports the modern web and mobile application landscape. Prominent technologies for REST API development include Laravel, Symfony, and API Platform for PHP, Express and NestJS for Node.js, and Spring Boot with Spring MVC for Java. These technologies enable developers to create efficient and maintainable web services across diverse backend platforms.
GraphQL has emerged as an important alternative to REST, providing a flexible and efficient query language that allows clients to request exactly the data they need, eliminating over-fetching and under-fetching. This approach is particularly beneficial in situations where data requirements are complex or subject to frequent change, as it allows for more efficient communication between clients and servers, ultimately reducing the need for multiple API endpoints and streamlining the development process.
RabbitMQ serves as a robust message broker, enabling seamless communication and integration between disparate systems by facilitating asynchronous messaging patterns. Its support for multiple messaging protocols, extensible architecture, and ability to handle high-throughput scenarios make it a popular choice for organizations seeking to improve the reliability and resilience of their distributed applications and services. Some notable alternatives to RabbitMQ include Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ, and Amazon SQS, each offering a unique set of features and capabilities to support a wide range of messaging and integration scenarios in modern distributed systems.
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) has long been a cornerstone of enterprise systems integration, providing a standardized protocol for exchanging structured information in the form of XML-based Web services. Its ability to handle complex data types and work across a variety of transport protocols makes SOAP a suitable choice for large-scale, mission-critical applications where reliability and security are paramount.
WebSocket communication enables real-time, bi-directional data exchange between clients and servers, offering a more efficient and interactive means of communication compared to traditional HTTP-based polling mechanisms. This technology is particularly advantageous in scenarios that demand low-latency updates, such as live chat applications, gaming, or financial trading platforms, where instantaneous information sharing is crucial for an optimal user experience.

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John Radford
Client Services Director UK