xLab - lab result visualisation web and mobile app

Innovative healthcare technology solution to streamline the interpretation of laboratory data and improve patient outcomes

XLAB has developed an innovative solution that streamlines the management and interpretation of lab results, bridging the communication gap between patients and healthcare providers
xLab - lab result visualisation web and mobile app


Efficient management and interpretation of lab results is critical for both patients and healthcare providers. However, existing solutions often lack a centralized, user-friendly platform to easily access, analyze, and visualize lab data. Recognizing this gap in the market, XLAB set out to develop an all-in-one healthtech solution to revolutionize patient health management.
Patients and providers faced challenges in managing and interpreting lab results because data was scattered across multiple sources and often presented in a non-intuitive format. These inefficiencies limited effective communication and delayed the identification of potential health problems.
xLab - lab result visualisation web and mobile app

Key Features

xLab developed a comprehensive web and mobile platform with the following key features:
Centralized lab data storage: All lab results are accessible from a single patient account, with historical data available over time.
Lab result visualization: Users can easily view lab values in relation to their reference values, with clear indicators for deviating data.
Comparison of historical data: Users can juxtapose and analyze multiple data points, revealing correlations and trends.
Metadata-based filtering: Users can filter lab values based on various criteria, such as liver function, markers, and more.
Comprehensive knowledge base: Detailed information is provided for each lab value, empowering patients to understand their results.
Online doctor's result interpretation: Healthcare providers can access patient data and offer expert opinions within the platform.
Patient guidance: Users receive actionable recommendations based on their lab results, ensuring prompt attention to potential health concerns.


xLab solution was developed using cutting-edge technologies, including VueJS 3.2, Vuetify design framework, Nuxt server-side rendering NodeJS, Ionic xPlatform mobile app, Java 11, Spring framework, Spring Boot microservice, Spring Cloud Kubernetes, JWT-based authentication, RabbitMQ asynchronous messaging, Spring Data, Hibernate, REST, and OpenApi 3. The platform boasts a Single Page Application frontend, xPlatform mobile app, microservice-based backend, and is designed as a Cloud Native app.


xLab's innovative solution has transformed the way patients and healthcare providers manage and interpret lab data:
Enhanced user experience: The platform's intuitive design and visualization tools make it easier for users to understand and act on their lab results.
Improved communication: Centralized storage of lab data facilitates seamless collaboration between patients and healthcare providers.
Faster identification of health issues: The ability to analyze and compare historical data helps detect trends and correlations, enabling prompt intervention when needed.
Empowered patients: The platform's knowledge base and guidance features give users the information and confidence to take charge of their health.


xLab has successfully developed an innovative healthtech solution that streamlines the management and interpretation of lab results, bridging the communication gap between patients and healthcare providers. By making it easy for users to access, visualize, and analyze their lab data, xLab's platform not only improves the patient experience but also contributes to better overall health outcomes.

Provided Services

Service Design, UX-UI Design
Development, QA
Support & Maintainance

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