Graphisoft: IT outsourcing for BIMx mobile app development

Transforming BIMx: Graphisoft’s success with LogiNet IT outsourcing

By leveraging LogiNet's IT outsourcing services, Graphisoft enhanced its BIMx app, delivering an innovative solution that improves 3D visualization and streamlines client-architect collaboration.
IT outsourcing for BIMx App: Graphisoft and LogiNet partnership


LogiNet's collaboration with Graphisoft began in 2014 when we joined as web developers in their product development efforts. As one of the leading software development outsourcing companies, we provide essential skills that complement Graphisoft's in-house capabilities.
Graphisoft created the BIMx program to enable users to interactively explore 3D models of ArchiCAD architectural plans, including associated floor plans, sections, and facades. The iOS-based BIMx mobile app, designed to visualize 2D and 3D architectural models, was developed by Graphisoft's in-house team, while the Android version was developed through IT outsourcing with LogiNet.
IT outsourcing for BIMx App: Graphisoft and LogiNet partnership


For developing the BIMx Android app (August 2019 - October 2020), LogiNet initially provided three, and later two, senior Android developers as part of a staff augmentation strategy. These developers "replicated" the iOS app for Android, including the design components, in active collaboration with Graphisoft. Currently, one developer continues to work on further developments that have emerged since.
LogiNet's IT staff augmentation approach ensured that its outsourced team worked closely with Graphisoft's in-house developers, complementing their skills with specialized Android development expertise. This partnership illustrated the advantages of software development outsourcing.


The collaboration between Graphisoft and LogiNet, through IT outsourcing services, has contributed to the growing popularity of the BIMx program.
BIMx serves as a bridge between clients and architects: its intuitive navigation allows for an interactive and professional walkthrough of architectural plans in 3D.
The program is useful during meetings and presentations, but clients can also download it, allowing them to view the latest plans and receive updated models more frequently. This enables them to share their feedback with architects more often (via a chat function), resulting in a smoother and faster design process.


Graphisoft's partnership with LogiNet demonstrates the benefits of IT outsourcing in software development. With LogiNet's expertise, the BIMx mobile app was enhanced, improving client-architect collaboration through better functionality and 3D visualization. This collaboration underscores how strategic partnerships drive innovation and elevate the user experience in architectural design.

Provided Services

Service Design, UX-UI Design
Development, QA
Support & Maintainance

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Client Services Director UK