Whether it’s an ecommerce platform, website, landing page, or mobile app, the question often arises: should it be custom-developed, custom-designed, or a boxed software customized (e.g., based on WordPress)?
It is usually not advisable to build the platform entirely from scratch. It is worth finding points that are already available. For example, integrating a newsletter management solution (e.g., Mailchimp).
Useful tips
It’s worth taking advantage of the possibilities in component libraries. These are "building blocks" that can be linked to a given framework. For example, if the development is done in a JavaScript framework, there are UI component libraries related to it, from which you can take, for instance, a calendar module, check boxes, or buttons. Creating these from scratch would take a lot of time and cost, but using a tested component shortens the development. However, this comes with compromises, but you can find quite good solutions.
An Impact / Effort Matrix can also be useful, showing what development can be realized with how much effort. To compile it, you need a developer – who examines the situation from a resource perspective –, a business process expert/customer – who looks at the impact on revenue –, and a UX designer who estimates the value of the development for the users. The matrix, which emerges based on the impact and resource needs of the development, shows which tasks are easy to implement and have high added value (Fill Ins), which have little added value but are easy to do (Quick Wins), which are difficult to implement but have no significant impact (Thankless Tasks), and which have substantial value but are hard to complete (Major Projects).