In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the success of any online platform hinges on one critical factor: user experience (UX). Whether it’s a website or a mobile app, if the platform isn’t designed with the user in mind, it risks losing customers to competitors who understand the value of intuitive, user-friendly designs. Companies that prioritize UX gain a competitive edge, build loyal customer bases, and see tangible increases in profitability. But what truly makes a user experience stand out? In the following sections, we’ll explore 10+1 essential UX research methods that can help businesses craft platforms that not only meet, but exceed user expectations.
The importance of user experience should not be underestimated. An online platform, whether it’s a website or a mobile application, will be successful if—simply put—it is usable, and in a way that meets the needs of the customers. Unfortunately, many still forget that their website, webshop, or application is designed for their customers, not for themselves.
Why is UX Design so important for a company? It gives you a competitive edge, generates profit, and builds a loyal customer base. What is UX Design? What methods can be used to create this positive customer experience? The most important thing to keep in mind when creating websites or applications is: you are not the user, meaning you should not assume that you know what your potential customers want or need. This perspective shift is critical to designing products that truly resonate with your audience. Understanding the UX Design Process is key to success, as it encompasses everything from research to final implementation.
Here are 10+1 essential UX research methods that can be useful on this journey!

1. Competitor analysis

In UX competitor analysis, we examine and evaluate what works well and what doesn’t on the platforms of direct or indirect competitors of a given digital product or service. We look at UX Design Examples to understand best practices or outdated solutions that should be avoided. By understanding the competitive landscape, you can strategically position your product to outperform others in the market.
What are the benefits of competitor analysis?
  • You can discover the hidden potential of your website or application compared to other market players.
  • You can learn about the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and find out how they address certain UI and UX Design issues in the competition for customers and users.
  • You can identify unnecessary, doomed-to-fail features and ineffective solutions, avoiding the waste of resources on their development.

2. Field research

Field research involves observing user behavior and product usage in a real-world environment. To design effectively, it is essential to gain a comprehensive understanding and practical knowledge of the micro and macro environments of the target audience. This cannot be achieved from the design desk, which is why a “perspective shift” is necessary. The most effective method for this is field research, where you observe the target group in their natural environment and specific life situations, such as a user of a route planning app getting into their car, or shoppers during their store visit. This way, you can uncover aspects and unexpected details that were not previously considered. The knowledge gained through field research allows you to develop personas and examine user journeys more accurately.
Field research helps in understanding the UX Design Principles in practice.
What are the benefits of field research?
  • You can gather information about why and how specific tasks are performed on a given platform by different users.
  • You can discover whether the surrounding conditions affect this behavior and identify the problems they encounter and the points that lead to frustration.
  • With the knowledge gained, you can develop personas and examine user journeys more accurately.

3. User interviews

User interviews allow us to gather more comprehensive knowledge about the persona, that is, the target group of a given product or service. These interviews are particularly useful when we want to uncover the user's habits and past experiences, as well as understand their thoughts on an ongoing or completed UI UX Design product.
What are the benefits of user interviews?
  • You can gain insights into user behavior regarding the specific product group: what is important to them and how they arrive at user decisions.
  • By conducting these interviews, you can avoid additional costs, subsequent modifications, and redesigns, as you will already know in time whether your product meets user needs.

4. Persona research

The essence of UX and UI Design lies in solving real needs and experienced problems of real people, rather than addressing an abstract user imagined based on preconceptions. The goal of creating personas is to design a fictional, yet credible and lifelike character whose motivations and problems we can empathize with throughout the design process. With their help, we can keep this focus throughout the entire UX Design Process.
What are the benefits of persona research?
  • It is based on the data of your real target audience. However, personas are only reliable and useful if their creation is preceded by thorough research.
  • They help you understand your users' motivations, needs, and circumstances, as well as how they use your product. You can put yourself in their shoes when making design decisions.

5. User journey

The user journey consists of the steps a user takes while using your product or service, along with the emotions and thoughts that guide these actions. During the user journey, we tell a story with the help of our already developed personas, which serves as a starting point for design and makes it easier for all stakeholders (designers, clients, etc.) to understand what is happening in the target group’s mind throughout the process.
What are the benefits of creating a user journey?
  • You can understand the motivations behind users' actions before starting the design process.
  • You can identify potential pain points and emotional curves of the users, allowing you to address these with supplementary texts, tooltips, and other solutions on the online platform.

6. Heuristic analysis

Heuristic analysis is an in-depth UX research tool used to measure the usability of a digital platform. Unlike usability testing, heuristic analysis systematically examines and evaluates a website or digital product based on predefined criteria, revealing usability issues.
What are the benefits of heuristic analysis?
  • You can assess the usability of the online platform in time, before starting the UI and UX Design process, and before conducting time- and cost-intensive tests with real users.

7. Stakeholder method

The design process is fundamentally influenced by the resources, deadlines, and decision-making processes of a company, which is why design discovery begins with organizational research.
In a broader sense, stakeholders are the internal and external individuals, groups, institutions, or organizations affected by the company's work, and vice versa, those who influence the company's operations. However, in a UX design project, the stakeholder is the person whose thorough understanding helps us better grasp the environment and whose work significantly impacts the project's or product's success.
What are the benefits of stakeholder interviews?
  • Knowledge is concentrated at different levels (e.g., customer service, warehouse staff, salespeople) that those in higher management (e.g., marketing, IT, leadership) may not be aware of, but which are necessary for the effective operation of various processes.
  • You can gain essential information and comprehensive insights, as everyone can express their views on organizational culture, challenges, goals, success, and potential difficulties.
  • Through them, you can also gain a comprehensive understanding of the organizational structure, enabling you to design a product that not only satisfies the end-users but also provides a successful solution from the perspective of the primary stakeholders.

8. Card sorting

One of the fundamental criteria of usability is that users can easily find what they need on the site. When organizing content, we need to design an architecture that aligns with the mental model of our users. Card sorting helps with this process, where users participating in the research use labeled cards to group the topics of a website or the functions of an application according to their own understanding.
What are the benefits of card sorting?
  • You can gain insights into users' thought processes and expectations regarding the content and its structure.
  • Instead of following your own assumptions, you design an architecture that aligns with your users' mental model.

9. Creating prototypes

During the various phases of website and application design, we develop our ideas through sketches, wireframes, and UI designs filled with graphic elements or content that closely resemble the final product. We test our formulated concepts through prototypes. These are interactive designs where users can directly try out different functions, allowing them to provide feedback on the final product's performance. Prototypes are also used to conduct user tests.
What are the benefits of creating prototypes?
  • You can refine your solutions during the design phase.
  • Fixing identified problems and errors at this stage is more cost-effective than making changes to a fully developed and launched product.

10. Usability testing

One of the most important measures of UX Design success is usability testing. Usability testing is similar to a mini anthropological study, where we observe the behavior of users selected from the target audience.
What are the benefits of usability testing?
  • You can discover what’s happening in the user’s mind when they interact with the product—what they understand and what they don’t.
  • You can perfect processes to make them truly smooth, ensuring that users utilize your solution in a way that aligns with your business goals.
  • Usability tests conducted with wireframes or prototypes in the early design phases, even with limited functionality, can significantly help avoid wasting valuable product development time and resources on poorly functioning solutions.

+1 A/B testing

The essence of this method is to present two versions of a design solution on an already live and functioning website or application to users. After collecting a sufficient sample size, we use analytical methods to determine which version performs better.
What are the benefits of A/B testing?
  • You can quickly and economically (without the need for more extensive, time-consuming research or development) verify which of the two variations leads more successfully to the desired goal. For example, on a webshop interface, whether a smaller or larger button, or one labeled “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now,” results in more purchases.
By following these UX Design Principles and leveraging comprehensive UX–UI design services, businesses can create a seamless user experience that meets both customer expectations and business objectives. The journey to understanding what is UI UX Design requires deep user research, and companies that excel at this process can create products that stand out in the market.

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John Radford
Client Services Director UK