Standalone services
If you need a specific service rather than outsourcing your entire project
Each stage of the digital product development process is designed to deliver outstanding results independently. If you need a specific service rather than outsourcing your entire project, rest assured that our expertise in individual areas will still add immense value to your efforts.
Our customized approach ensures that working with us on any single aspect of the process will deliver outstanding results and have a lasting positive impact on the success of your project.
In each of the following scenarios, our team can seamlessly integrate with your existing resources and provide valuable expertise to ensure the continued success of your project.
We design, you develop
You have your own development team, but need our expertise for creating the design and/or specifications.
You design, we develop
You've already completed the design but lack a team to carry out the development.
We support & operate
Everything is ready, and you require assistance in managing the system's operations.

Service Design

Lean Inception | Design Studio | Business Model Canvas | Value Proposition Canvas | Stakeholder Interviews | User Persona Creation | User Journey Mapping | Concept Validation | MVP Definition.
When the primary concept is largely established, but further refinement and development of the associated service design is required, our service design team steps in. We delve into critical issues such as target audiences, market competitors, user journeys, value propositions, and business models.
Our goal is not to overhaul your entire vision, but rather to fine-tune and optimize your original idea to ensure that it aligns with market needs and user expectations. Our approach involves the use of cutting-edge tools and techniques.

UX/UI Design

Heuristic Analysis | Best Practice Analysis | Sketching | Wireframing | Prototyping | UI Design Planning | Validation | Iterations
After clarifying the product or service concept, we validate our ideas using UX research tools and create wireframes. When designing our wireframes, we consider branding, potential design guidelines, and front-end technology - such as component libraries like Bootstrap or Prime - from the very beginning.
By incorporating naturally available components into our design, we ensure cost-effective implementation and improved overall quality. Because they have a significant impact on the user experience, following this methodology allows us to create high-fidelity prototypes that provide the most accurate representation of the expected user experience during validation and iteration. The final design is delivered in a developer-friendly format.


Requirements analysis and planning is a critical aspect of any development project, as it lays the foundation for well-defined tasks and aligns with the development methodology that will be used later.
This process ensures that the business logic and processes are thoroughly documented, making the end product more sustainable and ultimately increasing its value. A complete understanding of the project's requirements enables efficient resource allocation and prevents potential setbacks during the development phase.
IT Consulting
Requirement analysis
Identifying and gathering essential project requirements, focusing on understanding the goals and needs of the client.
High-level specification
Defining the overall system design and major components, providing a clear vision of the project's structure.
Solution architecture
Creating the framework that supports the development of the entire system, taking into account scalability and future enhancements.

Detailed functional specification
Documenting specific functionalities and features of the product, ensuring that all aspects are covered and well-documented for seamless development.

Integration planning
Strategizing how different system components and third-party services will be connected and integrated to ensure smooth operation and interoperability.

System Blueprint
Utilizing standardized tools like database schema design, UML, and BPMN for software specifications ensures clarity, streamlined development, and improved project outcomes.

Development, Implementation

Comprehensive development process | Specification–based implementation | MVP development | Feasibility study | Server–side programming | Web client programming | Native mobile development | Cross–platform mobile development | Full–stack web frameworks | Agile project organization | Waterfall projects | Iterative development | Unit tests | DevOps: Git, GitLab CI/CD | Cloud–native apps | | Automated code analysis: coding style, security, and performance measurement | Senior team | Efficiency enhancement using AI | ChatGPT4, OpenAI Codex, GitHub Copilot
Our implementation phase uses technologies and tools that deliver exceptional results and cost-effective execution. We use a combination of the latest, cutting-edge technologies and well-established, reliable technologies to create a system that is both maintainable and has a long lifecycle. Our development team harnesses the power of cutting-edge tools such as ChatGPT4, OpenAI Codex, and GitHub Copilot, which deliver tangible benefits by accelerating delivery and increasing efficiency. These advancements ultimately reduce the risks associated with the most expensive part of the project and ensure a smoother development process. The core principles of our development process are safety, efficiency, and usability.
Our development teams work methodically, whether they follow a waterfall or agile methodology. Each team is led by a technical lead developer, with the backbone of the team consisting of mid-level and senior members. This team composition ensures professional oversight, motivation, mentoring of team members, and ultimately rapid progress and minimal defects. By leveraging appropriate methodologies, we can tailor our development approach to best suit the unique needs and requirements of each project, delivering the highest possible quality and value.

Quality Assurance, Testing, Test Automation

The goal of testing is to minimize errors using various implementation options. Manual testing involves human users trying out the application and is the most common testing method. Automated testing may seem more expensive at first, as it involves automated end-user tests for each part of the development, but these tests can be run without human intervention for various purposes, in any number and quantity.
It is worth noting that in the software development industry, regardless of the extent of testing, there is always a possibility that some bugs will reach the end users. However, the use of feature flags and segmented rollouts helps ensure that most issues are addressed and resolved before our application reaches the wider audience.
Manual testing - Experienced testers, Black box testing, White box testing
Automated testing - UI testing, API testing, Integration testing
Performance testing - JMeter, Gatling
Extensive use of tools - GTMetrix, Browserstack, etc.

Support & Maintainance

Customer portal | SLA agreements | Developments | Monthly progress report | 8/5, 12/7, 24/7 SLAs | Custom SLA agreements | Pay as you go support | Flat–fee support
Development projects are one thing, but what happens after? Unlike most software development companies, we understand that in the long run, support and maintenance are just as important as the initial project.
Our Support & Maintenance department ensures that software bugs are fixed promptly with the appropriate SLA, questions are answered, and development needs are addressed. Depending on your goals, we can provide different support structures. If you just need to run a stable application, fully reactive support based on hourly billing or a flat fee may be sufficient. If moderate development is also required, a monthly hourly framework ensures that needs are quickly assessed and developed on demand.
For applications with continuous, high-volume development, an entire team can handle both support and development. If the application requires exceptional availability, 24/7 developer support can also be provided.

Cloud Operations

Cloud Infrastructure Blueprints | Cloud Engineering | Infrastructure as a Code | Secure application operations | High availability | Infrastructure setup | DevOps process management | Auto–scaling solution development | Microsoft Azure operations | Amazon Web Services (AWS) operations | Google Cloud operations | Cost–effective operations with TIER 2 provicers | Monitoring system | Incident notifications | 24/7 SLA | Docker | Docker Swarm | Kubernetes
Safe and cost-effective operational solutions are often overlooked aspects that can have a significant impact on overall costs and ultimately determine the success of a product. Considering operational factors at the design stage can result in significant cost savings.
We have extensive experience with all the major cloud platforms - Azure, AWS, Google Cloud - as well as smaller providers that offer realistic alternatives at a much lower price point - Digital Ocean, Hetzner. By leveraging their IaaS and PaaS solutions, along with their autoscaling capabilities, we can confidently and securely run high-performance systems for our customers.
We also provide monitoring and 24/7 emergency response services for our customers. By outsourcing cloud software operations to us, you can rest assured that your systems are in good hands, with a focus on cost-effectiveness, reliability and security.

Let's Talk About

Your Project

Drop us a message about your digital product development project and we will get back to you within 2 days.
We'd love to hear the details about your ideas and goals, so that our experts can guide you from the first meeting.
John Radford
Client Services Director UK