Special Services for Special Needs

Feasibility Study

When the feasibility of your project is uncertain, it's important to take advantage of new technologies that may not guarantee the expected business results. In such cases, a feasibility study is required. Within this framework, our team of consultants, architects, and technical leads will examine the feasibility of your project, propose alternatives, and provide hypotheses that can be evaluated through proof-of-concept mini-projects.
Our experts will assess your project's potential and identify potential roadblocks or limitations. By conducting a proof-of-concept exercise, we can validate the feasibility of our proposed solution, ensure that it meets your business objectives, and identify any areas that require further refinement. Ultimately, our feasibility study and proof-of-concept approach will provide you with the insight you need to make informed decisions about the future of your project.
Feasibility Study
Solution mapping

Solution mapping

If you want to build your project using as many existing tools and services as possible, our Solution Map Service can help you achieve that goal. The goal of our Solution Map service is to identify potential tools, evaluate their capabilities, assess their feasibility, and, based on these findings, plan the high-level design of the solution elements.
Our team of experts will perform a thorough analysis of existing solutions and identify the most appropriate tools and services for your project. We evaluate each potential tool and service, considering factors such as its features, compatibility, and cost effectiveness. This comprehensive approach ensures that your project utilizes the most appropriate and efficient tools and services available.

Rescue & revamp of stalled software projects

If your digital product development project has hit an insurmountable roadblock and you can't maintain the necessary speed and quality with your current vendor or internal team, or if conflicts have arisen that seem impossible to resolve, you need a thorough review, action plan, and execution to get your project back on track.
Our team of experts has extensive experience in rescuing stalled IT projects by examining every aspect of the project and identifying the underlying issues. We work closely with you to develop an action plan to address these issues and ensure that your project meets your business objectives while maintaining quality and efficiency. Our approach is tailored to your specific project needs and we will use our experience and expertise to help you overcome the challenges you face.
Our Rescue and Revamp service provides you with the necessary resources, including expert advice and guidance, to get your project back on track. We are committed to your success and will work tirelessly to ensure that your project is delivered on time, on budget and to the highest quality standards.
Rescue & Revamp of Stalled Software Projects
Feature-Flag Based Development

Feature-flag based development

In modern software development, for products with millions of users, new features are rolled out incrementally to larger and larger groups of users. This approach is designed to enable functional testing, improve results, and perform A/B testing.
However, it requires a specialized development process and tools, as well as a team with the necessary expertise. Our feature flag based development service provides you with these necessary tools and expertise.
Our team of experts has extensive experience in feature flag-based development, and we can help you develop a customized development process that meets your specific business needs. We will work closely with you to ensure that your new features are deployed smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to optimize their performance and functionality.

Fast prototyping with full-stack frameworks

One of the most significant trends in recent years has been the rise of low-code frameworks. The industry often categorizes these frameworks as either low-code or not low-code, but they overlook the fact that it's a matter of scale: what we can get out of a given technology and what compromises we make.
It's important to identify medium-code - full-stack, modular, monolithic - frameworks that strike a balance, allowing for a wide range of functionality without making excessive compromises. Our personal favorite is the Laravel framework and its built-in Blade front-end as a medium-code framework, which means that development can be rapid and focused solely on the value-creating business logic while staying within the framework's boundaries.
Our team of experts has extensive experience with medium-code frameworks and can help you identify the right framework for your business needs. We will work closely with you to ensure that the framework strikes the right balance between functionality and simplicity, enabling you to build high-quality applications that meet your business goals.
Fast Prototyping

Let's talk about

your project!

Drop us a message about your digital product development project and we will get back to you within 2 days.
We'd love to hear the details about your ideas and goals, so that our experts can guide you from the first meeting.
John Radford
Client Services Director UK